Pauline Malkoun -  Writer, Creator and Project Manager

Hi there— I’m Pauline Malkoun, a former secondary school teacher and aspiring full time writer. I am a firm believer that literacy is key to success in life and social mobility. By being literate, we can navigate the everchanging world, and this starts with reading.

As a devoted advocate of literacy and its profound impact, I want to weave captivating tales that immerse readers in worlds where imagination thrives. I want to craft narratives that not only entertain but also ignite the spark of curiosity and learning.

In every one of my stories, I want to inspire, educate, uplift and foster a love for reading and a deeper understanding of our dynamic world.


Sneaky Press

Sneaky Press is the publishing imprint of Sneaky Universe. At Sneaky Press we publish fiction and non-fiction titles for children including picture books, short chapter books for independent readers and bespoke educational narratives, written specifically for use in early learning centres. Many of our books are also available in languages other than English - so if your goal is to be literate in multiple languages, you could find exactly what you need here to kick-start literacy in other languages.

If you have a specific project in mind, reach out, we would be thrilled to help you make it come to life.